Thursday, October 30, 2014

Author Interview: Stranger in Paradise by Barbara Bretton

Stranger In Paradise
Home Front
Book Two
Barbara Bretton

Genre: Post -World War 2 Romance
Publisher: Free Spirit Press
Number of pages: 347
Cover Artist: Tammy Seidick

Book Description:

Before they became The Greatest Generation, they were young men and women in love . . .

The year is 1953 and London is throwing the party of the century. Even though the ravages of World War II are still visible throughout the kingdom, the world is gathering on the Mall to celebrate the coronation of England's beautiful young queen.

For almost ten years, journalist Mac Weaver has been far from his New York home. America has changed since the war ended and he wonders if there's still a place for him in the land of backyard barbecues and a new Ford in every driveway.

However a chance encounter with beautiful English reporter Jane Townsend is about to change his life forever. As the new monarch waves from the window of her fairy-tale glass coach, a homesick Yank and a lonely Brit fall in love.

One week later, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Weaver board the Queen Mary for New York and a guaranteed happily ever after future in the land where dreams come true.

But there are dark shadows on the horizon that threaten Mac and Jane's happiness and family scandals that just might tear them apart . . .

"This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny."
--Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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Sneak Peek! 

MRP would like to extend a very warm welcome to Barbara Bretton, author of The Home Front series. Barbara, who or what most influenced you to become a writer? 
That’s a great question but one I’m not sure I can answer, mainly because I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be a writer.

If you were to be left alone on an island, what three books would you take with you? 
MOVING ON by Larry McMurtry.  FAMILY HAPPINESS by Laurie Colwin. A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN by Betty Smith. They each speak to me in different ways and they all live deep inside my heart.

What are your most and least favorite movie genres? 
I love movies that make me cry. I hate cartoonish action movies, gross frat-boy comedies, and anything that features cruelty to animals or human underdogs.

If you could choose any man for your next book cover, who would he be? 
A young Liam Neeson. (Although the older Liam Neeson isn’t half bad either.)

When you are on a deadline, what aspect of your ‘regular’ life suffers most? 
The social life is the first to disappear. Home-cooked meals vanish next. Hair and makeup aren’t far behind. It ain’t pretty!

What advice would you give aspiring authors? 
Finish your book. Sit down and write the whole thing from beginning to end before you even begin trying to sell it. You will gain enormous confidence from completing the task and you will prove to editors (who rarely buy on spec from first-time novelists) that you can go the distance. There is no downside to this advice. Finishing a book is a major accomplishment and can only help propel you forward.

What advice would you give seasoned writers? 
I repeat the advice given to me by Vivian Stephens, the legendary romance editor who purchased my first book: “Run your own race.” There will always be authors who are more popular than you are, more prolific, more talented. That’s a given. It’s pointless to measure your progress against their standards. Find what works for you and then aim a little higher with each book.

When reading for pleasure, do you prefer a physical or electronic book? 
No contest. I’m a total ebook fan.

From the first stroke of a pen (or laptop), how long did it take you get published? 
I was first published in comic books as a kid, then in magazines like TEEN and SEVENTEEN. My first novel was both written and purchased in the month of February 1982. I was fortunate enough to get in at the very beginning of Harlequin American Romance with the right thing at the right time. I am eternally grateful for whatever writing gods or goddesses put my manuscript in the hands of Vivian Stephens.

Did you ever feel like calling it quits? 
Only every other day. This is a tough business!

What did you do when you got your first contract?  
My husband and I went to Hawaii! I figured there’s only one first book and it deserved a major celebration. And Hawaii, to me, was as major as it got.
Thanks so much for hosting me again!

Thank you so much for joining us today, Barbara. We really enjoyed the visit. Good luck and great sales with The Home Front series.

About the Author:

A full-fledged Baby Boomer, Barbara Bretton grew up in New York City during the Post-World War II 1950s with the music of the Big Bands as the soundtrack to her childhood. Her father and grandfather served in the navy during the war. Her uncles served in the army. None of them shared their stories.

But her mother, who had enjoyed a brief stint as Rosie the Riveter, brought the era to life with tales of the Home Front that were better than any fairy tale. It wasn’t until much later that Barbara learned the rest of the story about the fiancĂ© who had been lost in the war, sending her mother down a different path that ultimately led to a second chance at love . . . and to the daughter who would one day tell a little part of that story.

There is always one book that’s very special to an author, one book or series that lives deep inside her heart.  SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY and STRANGER IN PARADISE, books 1 and 2 of the Home Front series, are Barbara’s. She hopes they’ll find a place in your heart too.

Author Links:
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